The Influence of the Movies and TV on People's Behaviour
Nowadays, one of the most popular connection tools with the society is through visual media. It's popular because of its easiness in transferring thoughts. Also, it plays a
major role in the socialization process of society members. Then, Television and movies have their own merits and negative points. Here, some negative affects of the visual
media in the society is discussed, such as its effect on increasing violence among the society, how it can make people unrealistic, and at last the way the family communication can be
threaten by medias such as TV.
First of all, many movies and TV shows have an impact on increasing violence among the society. Moreover, there are studies that show watching and playing movies and games
that have more than a certain level of violence, have a potential to increase violence for children and teenagers. Furthermore, some movies suggest ideas and methods of doing
crimes for regular people who have never thought about it, and it has been seen that sometimes adults imitate the methods of stealing from movies. Then, TV and media sometimes
have a content that encourages regular people to do a crime by breaking taboos for them.
Then, after the media effects on increasing the violence, movies and TV shows can make the audiences unrealistic. There has been seen cases of escapism among the society
members who don't like their job, or their financial status, by watching people that they wanted to be on the TV. Moreover, heroes that fiction media demonstrate doesn't exist
in the real world a lot of times, but there are people who want to be like them! At last, movies can influence our unconsciousness by adding irrelevant stuff to our daily lives
to our mind.
Thirdly, Watching spending a lot of time and energy on TV and movies can lower the possible time for the family members to communicate. After a long day of work, family
members should be able to sit together and share the stories about their day, but watching TV together can eliminate this necessary time. So, it can end up having families
that have not communicated well for a while, and make family members apathetic about each other.
As a consequence, TV and movies can play a negative point in the today's society. They can increase violence, make people unrealistic, and threaten the family communication.
It'd better for the modern world to study all perspectives of the communication tools to lower their negative impacts.